KAJET Journal No. 1 (on Communities) is available now on loremnotipsum.com. KAJET Journal is developed, designed, and printed in Bucharest, Romania, KAJET seeks to be more than just a mere signal from the periphery and to move beyond a purely anecdotal understanding of Eastern Europe. Concentrating the scope of interest onto the past, present, and future of communities inside Eastern Europe, you can find what lies at the heart of our first issue: a rejuvenation of the contemporary imaginations of what the notion of community used to mean, currently means, and will continue to mean. How are Eastern European communities bringing themselves together during the unsettled times of our own contemporaneity? What makes the people from this geographical region truly Eastern European? How have Eastern European communities managed to survive the unsettled times provoked by war, turmoil, social unrest, and exodus toward the more prosperous West? How do Eastern Europeans tackle the issue of constantly being outsiders? Or, what (and how) do Eastern Europeans love? How do Eastern Europeans respond to their cities crumbling and shrinking?
KAJET Journal is developed, designed and printed in Bucharest, Romania. It is a journal of Eastern European encounters that seeks to be more than just a mere signal from the periphery—essentially, to move beyond a purely anecdotal understanding of Eastern Europe. Inside Eastern Europe — an urgent and topical subject matter that needs to be actively represented through the medium of independent publishing. In our attempts to approach scholarly interests with an informal overtone, we provide a platform for academics to co-exist with artists; in this way, KAJET Journal becomes an alternative space where Eastern European encounters are brought to the fore for the steady reader and for the culturally inquisitive Flâneur and Flâneuse.
18 essays accompanied by 18 visual projects created by 40 writers and artists and structured into 5 main chapters:
I. Being and Easternness – tackles the existence of an Eastern European paradigmatic identity;
II. Rituals of Resistance – explains how and why Eastern European communities resort to various mechanisms of self-defence;
III. Poor, but Sexy – covers the mixture of sub/countercultural dangers and ecstasies, perils and delights that shape this part of Europe;
IV. Visions of Space – narrates the geo-spatial structures of Eastern European architectonics by eliciting new conceptualisations of space;
V. Erecting Walls vs. Crossing Bridges – indulges our own fascination with a borderless world by incorporating the idea of dismantling walls to the benefit of constructing (and crossing) bridges.
Details: KAJET Journal No. 1 (on Communities)
240 pages, 23 x 16,5 x 2 cm, weight: 600g