Issue No. 6 is available now on Forgotten ideas worth a second look. Many magazines rush to cover the latest news. Works That Work No. 6 is interested in the impact of design and forgotten ideas worth a second look.
The magazine by Peter Biľak of Typotheque type foundry, ‘a magazine of unexpected creativity’. It is a magazine for the curious mind, endeavouring to surprise its readers with a rich mix of diverse subjects connected by the theme of human creativity, searching for a deeper understanding of work and its motives. The magazine will be published every six months in both paper and digital (online and tablet) editions, and the paper version will be distributed both by post and by a ‘social distribution’ network that gives readers an opportunity to help distribute the magazine and share in its profits.
Features: Works That Work – No. 6
- Weapons of Mass Deception. Part of the Second World War was fought with dummy vehicles and counterfeit weapons designed to deceive the enemy and confuse intel.
- Roadside Attractions. The unexpectedly diverse and beautiful bus stops of the former USSR, lovingly documented by photographer Christopher Herwig.
- Our Country is The World. In the wake of the Second World War Garry Davis launched his effort to establish a universal world government by issuing its passport.
- What a Difference a School Can Make. Seemingly simple design decisions can make a school building more comfortable and make students more likely to complete their education.
- Cars That Run on Trees. Though they may seem like a steampunk fantasy or a whimsical curiosity, wood-burning cars were once commonplace in Europe.
- Colour Photography Before Colour Photography. Colour photographs taken over a hundred years ago using a primitive, long-abandoned process which produces spectacular images.
- and more…