Boy.Brother.Friend Issue 5 (the Ceremony Issue) is available now on What ‘Rituals’ govern contemporary diaspora creativity and existence. Which ceremonies have stood the rest of time and which have been lost? For good and bad reasons. These are the questions we investigated and unpacked in the hope that we can reclaim the joys in coming together and of practice.
Boy.Brother.Friend Magazine is a print publication which seeks to examine the diaspora and male identities through contemporary art, fashion, and theory. Issue 4 explores the theme of Value, which unfolds over four chapters: The Importance of Being Earnest, Moral Code, Family Values, & RWA – Rich With an Attitude, featuring Kareem Reid, Jeri Hilt, Azza Yousif, Jessica Madavo and more.
- To be announced soon
Details: Boy.Brother.Friend – Issue 5
250 pages, 23 x 30 cm