Sandwich Magazine Issue 4 (The African Scramble Issue) is available now on It is written as a celebration of the often overlooked, but universally beloved culinary creation, the sandwich.
TAKE OVER ISSUE with guest editors Tunde Wey and Ruth Gebreyesus. Issue four of Sandwich magazine features a conceptual sandwich, The African Scramble. This newly coined word for this newly constructed sandwich is a vehicle for our guest editors to expose the historical complications of the profoundly unfair, asymmetrical relationship between Africa and the west. This special edition includes a foldout poster with a statement from our guest editors. This is a limited edition issue.
New special take over issue priced at $100. All profits disbursed at guest editors’ discretion. Why $100? In their own words:
“This particular magazine issue costs $100.
This magazine is typically sold at $15.
This particular magazine issue, which costs $100, is about Africa.
Africa was a site of slavery and it suffered immensely.
This particular magazine issue costs $100.
This magazine is typically sold at $15.
This particular magazine issue, which costs $100, is about the United States and Europe.
Africans were enslaved in Africa and elsewhere by the United States and Europe, who profited immensely.
This particular magazine issue costs $100.
This magazine is usually sold at $15.
This particular magazine issue, which costs $100, is about the United States and Europe. continue to enslave Africans.
And every dollar earned and spent is spent and earned at the expense of Africans.
This particular magazine issue costs $100.
This magazine is typically sold at $15.
The $85 difference? It’s going away from you.
Pay us.
-Guest Editors, Tunde Wey and Ruth Gebreyesus”
Sandwich Magazine is written as a celebration of the often overlooked, but universally beloved culinary creation, the sandwich. Each issue features a specific sandwich along with cultural reporting, photo essays, and interviews on the most surprising and creative corners of the food world at large. Our first issue pays homage to the BLT (Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato), possibly the greatest sandwich of all time. This magazine is our gift to sandwich lovers everywhere.
Details: Sandwich Magazine – Issue 4
84 pages, including foldout poster