Berlin Quarterly Issue 2 is available on and features a lot of stories. Through the diary of Lucian Kim, one of the rst western reporters to arrive in Crimea days before Russian takeover, we witness the beginning of an international crisis. Along with Kim’s work we feature a portfolio by Carolyn Drake, that introduces us to daily life scenes staged on the pre-conict borders between Ukraine and Crimea. An interview with John Jeremiah Sullivan, the master of long form journalism. We feature Stephen Dixon, the two times National Book Award candidate, with two of his short stories. e young spanish poet Luna Miguel contributes six of her most beautiful poems. A story by the Korean writer Aly Cha recounts a tale of birth and war in the midst of a post-WWII troubled Korea. The Austrian artist and photographer omas Albdorg bring us on a tour through a deserted Florence from a dierent angle. Thomas Lobenwein introduces us to the world of turkish wrestling in Berlin through impactful, black and white pictures of its protagonists. We also publish 2 letters from the Jesuits Relations. e American wilderness as seen from the eyes of some of the earliest Europeans to arrive.
Berlin Quarterly is a European review of long form journalism, literature and the Arts published four times a year. It’s a new cultural journal with global perspective. Combining in-depth reportage, literature and visual culture, Berlin Quarterly was founded in 2013 by publisher James Guerin, and is headed by Milanese editor Cesare Alemanni. Notable contributors who have previously been published in e New Yorker, the Observer, New Statesman, Die Zeit, Aperture, and Frieze, among others. The magazine combines both historical and contemporary visual and written content. Visually striking design, including specially commissioned, full-bleed photography and illustration. The publication aims to bring you insightful and inquiring reportage and stories from around the globe. With a starting point of Berlin we look towards the rest of the world for inspiration beyond the German capital.
Content: Berlin Quarterly – Issue 2
Reportage: Norwegian Sun / Diary: One Week in Crimea / Portfolio: One Year in Ukraine / Fiction: A Woman and Her Fish / Interview: John Jeremiah Sullivan / Poetry: Six Poems / Fiction: You Better Run / Portfolio: Turkish Wrestling Association of Berlin