Drift Magazine Volume 8 is available now on loremnotipsum.com and features London. The British capital has become an unlikely hotbed for a rapidly evolving coffee scene, absorbing diverse influences from its increasingly diverse citizenry. Home to deeply entrenched tea culture, the development of the city mirrors the development of its booming coffee scene. As the younger generation welcomes coffee traditions from Brooklyn, Melbourne, Turkey, and more, London, home of the royal family, iconic red phone booths, and double-decker buses, grapples with its identity. In this issue, we explore how tea-crazy London went mad for coffee and how its integration of international coffee-savvy experts is changing as Brexit looms. Featuring potters, flat white-pouring Aussies, refugees, and expats, Volume 8 holds a magnifying glass to London, England.
Drift Magazine is all about coffee. It’s about the people who drink it and the cities they inhabit, from consumers to coffeehouse owners to street venders to baristas. It’s about the ways coffee helps us chart the geography of our environment. Each issue, Drift brings you a glimpse of what it’s like to drink coffee in a different city. It highlights locals and visitors both, and explores what makes them tick.
Content: Drift Magazine – Volume 8 (London)
- How a tea nation became coffee-obsessed in the first place
- How London’s affinity for newness led to rampant pop-up culture
- Photo essay of London bikers queueing for their morning cups
- How roasters in England are rewriting the script on responsible sourcing
- How public transport and coffee fuel the global capital
- And more…
160 pages, offset-printed and perfect bound, full color on uncoated paper. Carbon neutral printing. No ads.