Are We Europe Magazine Issue 3 (Uprooted) is available now at LOREM (not Ipsum). Does who we are depend on where we are, or where we come from? From a portrait of a country stricken by brain-drain, to an inside account of Europe’s biggest far-right youth organization, this issue examines the impact of movement on identity.
Are We Europe Magazine is a quarterly publication. We think that in the middle of a media landscape that continues to be fractured by national borders (in an otherwise borderless Europe), there’s a niche for a beautifully illustrated magazine, filled with intricately woven sentences, taking on the European landscape as a whole. Politics, lifestyle, deeply reported places that pick apart a certain place or problem, unapologetic social critique, and analysis of where the hell this is all going. Why print? Yeah, we know, it’s a crazy thing to bet on print. What can we say besides that we’re optimists and contrarians. If we weren’t, would we be so bullish on the idea that Europe—whatever its flaws—has a bright future ahead. And most of all, that it deserves to have its story told. Differently.
Bosnia’s Brain drain
Islamophobia & Antisemitism
A common seed?
Stepping away from race
A conversation with Thomas Chatterton Williams
…and many more
Details: Are We Europe – Issue 3
76 pages of illustrated long-reads