The Great Discontent Issue 5 (the Emergence Issue) is available now on and features a dynamic group of creators who are deeply committed to addressing systematic challenges in their communities through creativity and emerging ideologies. The truth of a creative life is that uncertainty will come for all of us. It’s the choices that we make to emerge and create and live, where the true possibility and the heart of this issue lies. And with that, we’ve given our readers the choice between two covers.
The Great Discontent (TGD) is a magazine featuring interviews on beginnings, creativity, and risk. Cofounded by Ryan & Tina Essmaker, TGD launched online in August 2011 and has grown to include a print counterpart, a short film series, and other content-related projects and collaborations. In January 2014, they decided to embrace risk and shake things up. They simultaneously quit their day jobs to focus on The Great Discontent and launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for their first printed issue. After a nail-biting 30-day campaign, the TGD community helped raise enough money to take the magazine to print. The duo began working on the magazine immediately, teaming up with Brooklyn-based designer Frank Chimero of Another to assist with editorial design and art direction.
Issue 5 features Kamilah Rashied / Monica Ahanonu / PJ Vegas / Sofía Gallisá Muriente / Giorgia Lupi / Demar Matthews / Micheal Two Bulls / Jordan Wong / Lucy McRae / Tony Whlgn® / Carly Ayres / Rick Garzon / Zykera Tucker / Meena Khalili and Sheharazad Fleming
Details: The Great Discontent – Issue 5
176 pages / 30 x 22 cm / Offset-printed and perfect bound / 100% recycled uncoated interior paper / Foil title